The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia (OPCC) invites members and potential members to come to the annual board election of the OPCC on Thursday, December 17. During this election we will elect the OPCC board members of 2021.
Joint Statement: Media groups call on authorities to step up fight against impunity for crimes against journalists
On this International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA), the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM), Overseas Press Club of Cambodia (OPCC) and International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) express our deep concern over systems which rarely bring perpetrators of crimes against journalists to justice, and we urge authorities to take immediate action to ensure effective, independent and transparent investigations into such crimes.
December 3rd, 2020: OPCC annual board election
The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia (OPCC) will hold its annual board election on December 3rd, 2020. All OPCC members are invited and encouraged to join the meeting and to cast their votes to elect the OPCC board for 2021. The meeting location will be announced at a later time.
OPCC Calls for Investigation Into Violence Against Journalists
On September 28, a group of four Cambodian journalists from PMN News, Chakrapop News and Eysan Post were attacked in Tbong Khmum province, according to a report by local news outlet CamboJA.
The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia (OPCC) wholeheartedly condemns such violence against journalists.
OPCC Stands in Solidarity With Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos Jr
Maria Ressa, CEO and executive editor at Rappler, and former staffer Reynaldo Santos Jr were found guilty of “cyber libel” on June 15, 2020 in the Philippines.
The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia (OPCC) condemns any type of judicial harassment of journalists from any government or institution and calls for the charges against Ressa and Santos to be dropped.
OPCC calls for protection of journalists, everywhere in the world
In order to ensure the important work that journalists do in recording events as they unfold, and holding truth to power, the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia (OPCC) wishes to express its solidarity with journalists across the world who face attacks and detention while covering public demonstrations and simply doing their jobs. The anger and
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