Press Release: OPCC Concerned About Charges Facing Foreign Filmmaker

PHNOM PENH – The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia is concerned about the arrest of Australian filmmaker James Ricketson, who was charged with spying on June 9. Ricketson was arrested on June 2 for flying a drone over an opposition rally ahead of the recent commune elections. He was detained without charge for six days,

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Press Release: OPCC condemns intimidation of journalist

PHNOM PENH – The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia condemns the intimidation of Cambodia Daily reporter, Zsombor Peter via social media. Last night, Information Minister Khieu Kanharith posted a picture of Peter’s passport to his Facebook page where it remains at the time of writing. He included a note to journalists to make sure they

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City of Ghosts

Dear All, As we head into Khmer New Year this April, take a moment to relax and get your head on straight – because as soon as the holidays are over the media will be heading into tumultuous territory with the upcoming commune elections on June 4. With the passage of the political parties law

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Quieting the dissenters

The detention of four students for trying to screen an Al Jazeera documentary about slain analyst Kem Ley this week is an act of media censorship. The students, from the Khmer Student Intelligent League Association, were released four hours later, according to reports in The Cambodia Daily and Phnom Penh Post, after signing an agreement

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Down to business

Dear Journalists, A big thanks to everyone who came to our booze cruise which went off without a hitch except for Sam Rainsy’s resignation announcement which made everyone’s phones go off at once. Besides that, it was a fun event with a beautiful sunset and cold beers. The OPCC recently released a statement expressing concern

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OPCC expresses concern about the case brought against Jonathan Head

PRESS RELEASE   PHNOM PENH – The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia is deeply concerned about the defamation case brought against BBC correspondent, Jonathan Head in Thailand. In Thailand, like Cambodia, defamation is a criminal offence rather than a civil one. The threshold in both countries is much lower for parties to bring cases against

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